Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things seem to be funnier when you are not allowed to laugh.

A Catholic church is not like other large gathering areas, such as a sports stadium or a concert hall.  In a church, there is no place for ordinary bystanders.  Mass is not something we observe but something we do. The entire setting is the "participating arena" and you are the troupe; the entire church is the "stage" and you are the company.  We act; God is honored.

Once at a prominent cathedral, I was sitting near the front with most of all the front pews vacant.  The organist began.  Without thinking twice, I stood up and was compelled to begin singing the entrance song.  As everyone rose up and followed my lead, they began singing with me.  As we were singing, we kept waiting for the procession, but no show.  The priest and the liturgy had not begun.  It appeared that the organist was just practicing the entrance song.  At that moment I felt foolish but wanted burst out laughing.  And then I wanted to apologize for leading the others in song so abruptly.  But the individuals and I just sat down and acted like nothing had happened.  It’s amazing how many people will follow when you act confident and assertive, especially in a sacred dwelling.


  1. Hilarious! I have had similar experiences. Thank you, Mara!

  2. Oh the hazards of being a lifelong Catholic. How many of us have genuflected before moving into our row ... at the movie theater?
