Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Light of Christ

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling as though you’ve dragged through the year wearing a bathrobe through life?  Well this morning I feel that way.  It’s gray and snowy outside.  It’s going to be one of those days when it is dark all day.  I’ve got to motivate myself out of this gloomy feeling.  I seem to get this way during the holidays.  I am surrounded with individuals who are so into shopping; people who seem to forget the real meaning of the season.  The commercialization of Christmas can bring a person down and stressed out.  But advent is my special time.  I was baptized and confirmed as a Catholic on the 17th of December.  And I am very happy that it was close to Christmas.  I need to get up, take a shower, turn on a bunch of lights, go out, take a walk, come back, put on some beautiful Christmas music, and eat some breakfast.  It’s time to take off the bathrobe and see the light in my life, the light of Christ.

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