Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Changing Seasons of Life

Seasons put my life into perspective. I stare under the trees in the area where I live and know not only that some of them are older than me, but will be here for many generations to come long after I’m gone. It puts things into perspective for me.

In a flash, I have aged.  I have propelled myself through another 5 years in my life.  And before I know it, I’m in my 40s, 50s, and finally 60s.  Decades seem to fly by and before I realize it time can fly by me.

Nowadays, I find ways to ensure that I am enjoying life as much of it as I can and most importantly living the life I want to live

Life is not a dress rehearsal.  When I was younger, I did not act in the moment because I thought there would always be another moment. No longer do I let so many opportunities and possibilities pass me by.  I pursue every opportunity that presents itself, and try and live as much in the moment as possible.

It is not always easy.  I lose track of days and weeks that dissolve into months and before I know it, another season has come and gone.  I look back on those days and say, “What do I have to show for the last three months?”  Sometimes, not a lot.  Sometimes I will think only in terms of my work, and put aside my own spiritual and emotional needs.

When a change of season is upon me, I realize that I have to try and as much as possible be a whole person.  And work on all areas in my life as much as possible day to day, week to week, and month to month.

Sure, some weeks, some area may suffer from a little neglect. But I should never let months or seasons go by without paying attention and taking care of my needs.  None of us should.


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