Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Prayer Answered

It was Saturday, July 17th and I went to the mall. I just walked around looking to see what all was going on. There was a teenage boy singing some pop songs. No, it wasn’t Justin Bieber. But it might as well have been with all the screaming teenage girls. I mainly went window shopping. But at one point I decided to sit down. While I was sitting I just watched the other people. Then I saw two women walking around me. I remember them, because one lady had a very large and gaudy necklace. You couldn’t miss it. I went to get up and the other lady who was with her walked up to me and asked if she could pray for me. When she asked, my emotions suddenly were overrun with tears. I said, “Today is my birthday. And I am supposed to find out if I have cancer on my right breast on Monday. Yes, please, I need all the prayers I can get.” Everyone in the mall was walking around us as they both prayed for me. “Oh, yea. My car was just totaled by another driver too. And I am unable to buy a car at this time. The other insurance company gave me little for my auto and of course, it was worth much more to me being a car that was paid off with low mileage.” We talked and from nowhere one of the women gave me a balloon and the other gave me $20. I thanked them. But I felt funny taking money from her. I said, “Please, no. You don’t have to do this.” But she said no, take it and buy something for yourself and do not use it for something else. After we parted, I continued walking through the mall and felt there was nothing I wanted. I did not feel anxious about buying. I was at peace. I just wanted to go home and wait for the news from the surgeon on Monday.
When Monday, July 19th came, I received the best gift.  No cancer.  I am still walking and riding the bus for now.  But no cancer.

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