Monday, March 15, 2010

Sleep and Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time changed over last night.  Ugh!  One less hour of sleep in the morning.  I went to bed at about 9:30 p.m. only to have awakened around 3:15 a.m.  I could not sleep.  I kept thinking about others who have passed on in my life through death, others that live far from me; and others who live right next door.  I thought about getting up and mopping the kitchen.  But I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.  Hitting and missing until the 5 a.m. BCC news comes on.  Drifting in and out, I heard news about Thailand's prime minister rejecting protesters' demands for his resignation and the red shirts continuing to rally in Bangkok.  And there was the story regarding David Beckham missing the World Cup in Southern Africa due to an injury.  The other stories went away as I slept.

The second alarm comes on with NPR National News.  I didn't catch any story but I knew it was about politics, Washington, and President Obama.  But then I finally got up and stared out the windows in my apartment at the fog and rain.  Then I went back to bed to sleep.

There is no third alarm.  And I was sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.  Consequently, I had to rush to get ready for work.

When did I set my clocks for Daylight Savings Time?  Last Friday.  It didn't work.

When it comes to sleep, you have to be in a certain pattern to sleep well.  And after a time change, it takes about a couple of weeks to get use to it, otherwise, forget it.

The body needs sleep just as much as food, water, and the air we breathe.

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