Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Prayer to Winter God

God of Hidden face
I have been so angry
at your coldness.

I want to welcome you home.
But you won’t come.
We used to be friends.
That was when you came to me
in just the right amounts.

But now, you are too much for me.
It will take a warmer heart than mine
to hear a snow-covered gospel.

But oh, God of thawing moments,
when I allow you
to melt my frozen life

I reconsider.
My vision returns
and I know that if I am your friend
only when you come in the right amounts
then I am no friend at all.

Winter God
God of hidden face you are not always spring
but your unconditional love
has touched my thawing heart
and made it warm again.

I am not always present to you
in the right amounts either.
Yet never have I returned
to you,
and found you
not there.

O God of unconditional love
it is an iced-in message
you are asking me to listen for
You are not always spring.

Written by:  Macrina Wiederkehr

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