Friday, September 25, 2015

There are Wolves in the World

It seems as though there has been a lot of changes for me in the last few months. My ongoing conversation with God has been restless and fidgety lately. I try to see the events in my life through a spiritual lens.  And I try hard to understand others from inside out instead of outside in.  But I muddle.  People can be rude and laugh at things that are really divisive. They are actually mean and they just love leaving others out.  They love social cliques.  It’s the story of the “in crown” versus the “out crowd”.  I guess it is human to feel hurt and annoyed.  As you have already guessed, I am in the “out-crowd” at least with this group.  Is it time to shake the dust from my feet and just move on?   I can't completely let go due to the fact I work with these people.  But perhaps I can mentally remove myself from the situation.  I can only change how I react and how I take care of feelings. When it comes to wolves in the world, I just don’t want to squander away my time.  But then again, maybe they are the ones who need my time.

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