Thursday, March 13, 2014

My "Pope Francis Effect"

Today is the anniversary of Pope Francis' election.  How I have appreciated the breath of fresh air that Francis has brought to the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis appears to be a very popular pope.  He has been down-to-earth and lives what he preaches.  He smiles a lot, is affectionate and kind.  He genuinely loves others.  He is prayerful and pragmatic.  I truly believe he is going to straighten out the financial woes of the Vatican.

He is the first pope from the new world, from Latin America, from the “end of the world”, as he has said.  He welcomes a battlefield hospital church.  He touches people who you would not touch.  He is especially caring about the poor.   He gives hope and a needed burst of energy to a church that has been trying to find itself since the 1960’s.

Pope Francis wants his priests and Bishops to "smell like sheep" and be among the people.  With his commitment to social and economic fairness in mind, I’ve found new ways to honor that commitment.  I have been an advocate for the poor and lonely.  I have also become an activist for peace and justice issues close to my heart.

Pope Francis has inspired me for the last year and I cannot wait to see what the rest of his pontificate has in store.  In the meantime, I believe there is a miracle every week in the Eucharist, which transforms bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.


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