Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lovely Snow!

Street on the way to work.

It snowed harder and wetter today.  The snow was non-stop.  It was rather hard walking to work.  There were no sidewalks, just a lot of snow.  None of the streets were clear either.  The city usually takes care of the hills when it snows; but has always forgotten to do the flat streets in the city.  If the street happens to be on a county route the state's snow plows take care of it.  But it is usually the vehicles that are left beating down the snow.  When I arrived at work, the bottom of my slacks were soaked from the wet snow.  Half of the personnel in my office did not bother to show up.  They were probably smart not taking a chance considering the amount of snow on the roads.  The snow was supposed to move easterly and into the Atlantic, but it decided to come west.  The Appalachian Mountains did not manage to block the snow flurries this time.  The snow is about six to eight inches in the city and 12 and up in the mountains.  But how I love the trees.  No matter what the weather or season, trees are very beautiful bare, budding, full bloom, with fall leaves, and yes, with the lovely snow!

On the way home, a snowman with a mustache.

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