Sunday, June 5, 2011

But Wait

When you are looking for an invitation in the mail, hoping for a return to acceptance and peace, do not be surprised if your name has been vanished and invite forgotten.

But wait, don't look for the invitation, the peace is within you, no invitation is needed for the Kingdom of God.

When baptized into the life of Christ and knowing forgiveness is there to cherish, do not be surprised that others do not do the same.

But wait, God has forgiven you, and Christ says, "Forgive them, they know not what they do".

When the place where your feet walked was a secret lie and not a sacred life, do not expect others to understand.

So you had to brush the sand from your feet and move on.

And they never saw you were a part of The Body of Christ, it is their own hands, fingers, eyes, and heart that have suffered.

When at last you finally cross the bridge, use the courage you always had, you say good-bye.
Good-bye.  Good-bye, over and out.

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