Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tim's Practical Joke

Besides being a great fixer-upper, Tim is great at pulling practical jokes.  He is in charge of maintenance at a local hospital.  He has been there for about 16 years. Anyhow, one of the doctors at the hospital wanted him to do something for him at his office.  Of course, Tim jumped at his offer to make some extra money.  Tim discovered that he had some special keepsakes.  It seems that the doctor who is from India, happened to be a gigantic fan of Geoge W. Bush.  Timmy couldn't believe the stuff.  Anyhow, he decided one memento had to be placed next to a particular window.  It took a couple of months, but Tim's patience paid off.

Apparently, personnel from the patio where employees smoked started complaining that someone had been watching them especially in the evenings.  They were becomming uneasy.  It was becoming so unnerving they finally called Security at the hospital.  Naturally, Security gathered everyone on duty to hunt up the keys to the doctor's office.  At last, after getting hold of the keys to unlock the doctor's office, they began searching for the suspect.  They couldn't find anyone.  But when they got to the window that overlooked the smokers' patio court, Security had found the man who was peeping at them.  It was a life-size cutout of George W. Bush.

"Gee Tim, ugh!  A life-size cutout of Bush?  That would make me nervous even if I knew it was him.  So what did they do with the cutout?"  I asked.  "Oh, the doctor wanted to save it.  Consequently, I put it somewhere nobody could find it.  I'm saving it for a new prank.  I came into work the next day and everyone was telling me, you wouldn't believe what happened here last night.  Oh, really.  My lips were sealed."

Watch out!  You never know where George W. Bush will show up.

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