Friday, February 20, 2015

The enervation of moving stuff

Everything I own is in my little apartment on the East End of Charleston where I live.

My rent has gone up, again. And my landlord has not made any upgrades or improved my apartment. It needs painted, it needs new carpet, it needs newer appliances (refrigerator, stove), it needs more heat, and the bathtub needs reglazing. Obviously, I have been looking for another place to live. But it looks like all the landlords in the valley have upped their rents at the same time.

It’s getting harder to find more affordable apartments these days. My landlord has gone as far as telling me he will be increasing the rent again sometime in the near future.  But in the meantime, I am going through my apartment and decluttering, organizing all the stuff I own. Stuff accumulates while you’re living. Unfortunately, there are things given to me as gifts that I haven’t really used or wanted. I have research notes for writing projects, texts leftover from college, and cards and letters, and candles, and seasonal plates, and my paintings that I haven’t mounted on the walls. It’s sort of sad, really. I play guitar. I have sheet music and recordings, and picks, and…There are my photographs, and negatives in contact sleeves, and stuff to develop photos with…and…tools. I found three hammers in my apartment in different places. What happened? Did I go out and buy a new hammer because I could not find one?  Or borrow one that I forgot to return?

Yes. It is time to move. If for no other reason, just to weed my shelves and drawers and closets. It is time to free myself of possessions I am not using.

I am donating most of my stuff or giving it to someone who would enjoy it much more.

I have a parrot. She is 15 years old. She’s a little Sun Conure. I even have stuff of hers. I rotate her toys within her cage. Consequently, I have stuff in drawers that are filled with her toys and perches. She needs a little decluttering now too.

Next time, I am not moving stuff that I do not need, use, or love. That is just pointless. And believe me, there is a lot of stuff that I have been hanging onto.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


There are two types of pain in the world:
pain that hurts you, and the pain that changes you.

How bad does it have to hurt before you change?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

What if we began to treat our Bibles the way we treat our cell phones?

What if we...

carried it with us

turned back to get it if
we forgot it?

checked it for messages
throughout the day?

used it in case of an

spent an hour or more using
it each day?