Friday, January 24, 2014

Beautiful Winter?

Oh yea.  Winter is fine if you don’t have to walk on sidewalks of ice.  I love the cold weather, but not when it gets into single digits and negative temperatures.  The Polar Vortex from Canada came and pierced us this January.  Anyhow, I am dealing with the sidewalks and cold with my real-world Clarks Derby Boots, my balaclava over my head and face, my orange jacket and orange gloves.  Even with all the cold, I still have fun enjoying nature.  Where do all the birds go to keep warm?  In an urban area where I live there are many nooks and crannies they use to hang out.  And of course, even though many birds weigh mere ounces, they are insulated by dry feathers.  How about the stray cats in the neighborhood?  Are they really strays?  How about the squirrels?  I guess they hang out in their nests which are made up of leaves, twigs, and lined with feathers, fur, and other tender material to create comfort. 

Life goes on even in the coldest days.