Monday, August 30, 2010

Life is a journey; My Scavenger Hunt

There is harshness in any choice one makes in life.  It can be a life of not enough choices or too many.  Not enough--a dull life; too many--spreading yourself too thin and never giving your full attention.

There are women who choose to work.  Others, who choose to stay at home and raise children.  There are women who choose a life filled with advanced education, and others that develop various skills.  Others choose to volunteer.  Many want to do it all.
But whatever choice one makes; no choice is perfect.  No life is perfect.  There will always be the pros and cons to each lifestyle.  When I talk to my married friends they want to be single.  When I talk to my single friends they want to be married.  Even the life of religious sisters in community is not perfect.  It all depends on your priorities.

A true vocation can be any of these choices.  But who says what a true vocations is?  God can help us decide and make decisions.  A decision that makes one feel at peace is usually a good indication that a right choice was made.

The catch is that sometimes others want something else for us.  They think you are crazy and that you should be doing something besides what you have decided.  Sometimes our lives just do not make sense to those around us.

No matter what lifestyle you live, some people just drift along, going with the flow, and then their life becomes a life by default.

All I can say is that my life has been like a scavenger hunt, a life of seeking God's Will.  I've have sought different avenues depending on the clues to my search, my circumstances and experiences.  Though I am still who I am, I  have also changed and adapted.  Like a traveler seeking new adventures, I try to live as a native whether it is on another continent or the foreign land of the North side of a town.  But most importantly, my life has been a life enriched.

I have been a risk taker.  And sometimes I have failed and become wounded.  But I've always picked myself up and moved on.  All I know is that I get up every morning and do my very best with what I can.  I try to do better.